Benefits of Painting Your Business Building

The benefits of painting your business building are significant.  Just think, your business image is an important part of your success. You wouldn’t show up to a meeting wearing a faded and frayed shirt, and you shouldn’t let your company do the equivalent by showing a faded, peeling paint job. A good paint scheme can help you present a positive and inviting image that appeals to customers, employees and passersby.

Color Influences Your Mood

Improving company morale is one of the biggest hidden benefits of painting your business building. Didn't know that was possible?

Studies show that color affects your emotions and more; it can encourage physiological reactions such as increased metabolism and blood pressure. As a communications tool, it can influence your mood, elicit a certain reaction or response, and signal or encourage action (like making a purchase).

Here’s a look at some basic colors and the feelings they inspire:

  • Red: Intense, energetic
  • Orange: Warm, exciting
  • Yellow: Friendly, uplifting
  • Blue: Calming, trusting
  • Green: Relaxing, refreshing
  • Gray: Cool, steady, strong
  • Black: Regal, formal

The concept of feng shui acknowledges the usefulness of colors. They are part of the practice’s overall goal of creating a balanced work or living space.

Interior Paint

Depending on the type of business you have and what you want to accomplish, color can help you achieve your goals. For example, blue is a good choice for a spa, while red fits a gym. Yellow is inviting in a retail environment, and gray and blue are perfect for attorneys and other professionals. Even different shades of the same color can evoke different feelings, and mixing two colors in a complementary design can give you the benefits of both.

Exterior Paint 

Choosing the right color scheme for your exterior depends on the style of your building, where you are located and whether it is regulated by city codes. Regardless of color, it is imperative that you maintain the look of your building and that includes the paint. In addition, faded, chipped or peeling paint should be repainted as soon as possible.

Ready to discuss additional benefits of painting your business building? Colorado Commercial & Residential Painting can help you choose the colors that are right for your company. Contact us today for a free commercial painting consultation or call (303) 656-2220 to talk with one of our experts!


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