Greenwood Village CO Commercial & Residential Painting

Colorado Commercial & Residential Painting specializes in flawless paint projects in Greenwood Village, CO and the surrounding area.   Read our reviews and see how our professional team of painters has served Greenwood Village, CO since 1983.   [serviceareareviewcombo showminimap="no" city="Greenwood" state="CO" reviewcount="10" checkincount="25" zoomlevel="11" fblike="yes" mapscrollwheel="yes" reviewcityurl="{city}-{state}-commercial-residential-painting/"]

Colorado Commercial & Residential Painting specializes in flawless paint projects in Greenwood Village, CO and the surrounding area.   Read our reviews and see how our professional team of painters has served Greenwood Village, CO since 1983.


[serviceareareviewcombo showminimap="no" city="Greenwood" state="CO" reviewcount="10" checkincount="25" zoomlevel="11" fblike="yes" mapscrollwheel="yes" reviewcityurl="{city}-{state}-commercial-residential-painting/"]

See What Customers Are Saying

"My husband and I were extremely impressed with this company and we would highly recommend them."

We were extremely pleased with Colorado Painting from the bid process to the final product. They recommended the correct type of paint for our stucco home and their price was much lower than a competitor who painted many homes in our neighborhood. Every aspect of the job was on time and done well. The crew did a fantastic job and finished our house in less time than expected. My husband and I were extremely impressed with this company and we would highly recommend them.

Mary Despain
Google Rating

"The paint crew was very professional, clean, and their attention to detail was amazing!"

From start to finish, the whole team at CCRP was great to work with. They made a process which seemed overwhelming come together seamlessly. The bid was detailed, specific and very much on budget. Rebecca's advise regarding paint colors and working with our HOA was immensely helpful, and they were able to get our house done sooner than we had anticipated. The paint crew was very professional, clean, and their attention to detail was amazing! Tyler's final walk through and completion of just a few minor touch ups was easy to schedule and timely. Best of all, we LOVE the transformation to our home. Thanks CCRP!

Lynn Conklin
Google Rating

"I will be using them for any future painting projects both at the office and home!"

The team from Colorado Commercial & Residential Painting that worked on our building was awesome! They worked with me every step of the way to make sure the color scheme was exactly what I wanted and they made some great suggestions and paid close attention to all of the little details. The team was patient and polite - which was important as all of the work was done during business hours. I will be using them for any future painting projects both at the office and home!

Jessica Ceriani
Google Rating

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