Interior House Painting

When it comes to our homes, most prefer to set the tone of decor through the interior paint. However, our preferences change almost as quickly as the seasons. Fortunately, paint can be an easy facelift, upgrade, or simple swap-out so long as you know exactly how to tackle interior house painting. Still, professional painters like Colorado Commercial and Residential Painting can help you cut down time spent on interior paint jobs and overall costs. Want to know how? We’re giving you all the details. 

interior house painting

Is inside painting difficult?

In theory, interior house painting can seem like an easy win. By simply rolling a paintbrush over the surface of your walls, you can probably say with some degree of certainty, that the transformation will be epic. In an ideal world, this may ring true. 

In reality, though, interior painting is more challenging than what it may seem from the surface (pun very much intended). For starters, selecting your paint is a job in itself. Don’t believe us? Venture to a local hardware store or Home Depot, and you’ll figure out pretty quickly that choosing different types of paints, quality, brands, colors, etc. can be overwhelming. 

Painting professionals are well versed afterall, it’s our job to know interior painting specifications and criteria. 

So, the short answer is, yes, interior painting is difficult especially if it’s your first trip around the block. 

interior color combinations

What to consider for interior house paint

As we alluded above, there are many different factors that go into an interior house paint job. Here are a few bullet points to consider:

  • Number of rooms
  • Color of paint
  • Is the new paint choice a drastic change? 
  • How much paint will you need
  • Are there any damages to the walls? 
  • Have you cleaned the walls beforehand?
  • Do you have all of the equipment needed? 

As you can see, the list of things to consider can get lengthy. In fact, if you’re new to the home improvement world, you may begin to consider that paying a professional might be well worth the cost. Remember, we don’t only save time and money, but we save you from headaches and even do-overs. 

Choosing a color of paint

choosing an interior paint color

In general, we usually recommend neutral tones for interior house paint, especially if your desired areas are the common rooms like the living room, kitchen, and hallways. 

When you think of neutral colors, you might think up bland, unimaginative spaces with little style or character. However, when done right, neutrals can offer a range of interior decor possibilities. In fact, neutral colors like gray, taupe, brown, beige, or off-white can bring balance, continuity from room to room, and serve as an ideal backdrop for your beautiful accent furniture. 

The beauty of any paint choice lies in its versatility. Anymore, paint comes in a variety of shades, tones, and textures, so even the most subtle options can transform your space. 

Assessing interior painting needs

Next, you need to take some time to assess. While you’re choosing your paint palette, it’s important to consider the number of rooms, and the differences between the current paint and the new selection. 

Why is this important? If you’re changing the paint color from a deep red to an off-white, it stands to reason that you’ll need multiple coats so the red doesn’t accidentally seep through. Estimating this portion of work can be quite difficult, especially if you’ve never encountered it before. 

Further, you should also assess the rooms in which the new paint will be applied. You’ll want to look out for damages to the walls that will require attention and fixing, plus, you'll need to know if cleaning will be a requirement. As a rule of thumb, clean anyway.  

These factors are essential. One wrong step can lead to paint bubbling, chipping, or even the wrong colors altogether. Fixing mistakes is one of the most costly aspects of DIY home improvement. 

Interior painting equipment

If you’re wanting to tackle an interior paint job, it’s important you dive in prepared. While interior painting may seem intuitive, most homeowners miss a few essential pieces of equipment when setting up shop. Here are a few items we always consider:

  • Ladders
  • Drop cloths
  • Rollers / Paintbrushes
  • Masks
  • Clothes

For one, ladders are probably the most critical. Since most of us are not 9 feet tall, you’ll need a sturdy ladder to help get the job done. But, not all ladders are created equal. In fact, there are major differences in each. Be selective when it comes to purchasing the equipment you’ll use. Consider weight, flexibility, shelving options, and more. 

tips for painting interiors

If you don’t intend to purchase a ladder, you’ll need a roller extender which will allow you to reach the heights of your rooms. Be careful, though, extenders are not the easiest pieces of equipment to handle. Farther reaches mean less stability, which usually results in uneven painting. 

No matter what others may say, there is a technique for interior painting. Here are some of our tips:

  • Avoid lap marks: lap marks are created when there’s too much overlap, thus causing paint build up in some spots and less in others. The end result is uneven and downright ugly. 
  • Tape all your walls before you start the project. It’s a hassle to start and stop, not to mention your paint can begin to dry and differences in coloring start occurring. 
  • Paint the trim first, then the ceiling and walls. Getting paint from the trim on the walls is much easier to cover up than the other way around. 
  • Remember to prime and texture wall patches before painting. The reason this is critical is you’ll avoid unevenness and differences in texture and/or color. The point is to cover damages, rather than make them stand out. 
  • Clean your walls. Most people forget or skip over this step. Truth is, our walls can get quite grimey, dusty, and dirty over months of use. Cleaning walls ensure you don’t paint any dust bunnies into the surface. 

interior house painters Denver, CO entryway

Hire a professional painting company

In our experience, choosing a professional painting company like Colorado Commercial and Residential allows you to enjoy peace of mind that your interior house painting will be done properly and with great attention to detail. 

Our finished products speak for themselves. We’re well versed in different paint styles, colors, and overall finishes. We can cut your costs by eliminating the mistakes that often go with DIY paint jobs. Further, for the reasons listed above, the process is grueling. Instead, select a trustworthy painting company that will give your space a needed upgrade without the headache. 

We offer interior house painting estimates. Give us a call today (303) 573-1740.


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